Saturday, December 28, 2019

Cyrano de Bergerac Quotes - Edmond Rostand

Cyrano de Bergerac  is the most famous play by Edmond Rostand. The work is about Cyrano, a marvelous character who is witty, passionate and full of vitality. He is known for his big nose, which becomes a problem when he falls in love with his beautiful cousin, Roxane. Here are a few quotes from   Cyrano de Bergerac: What if she turns out to be a prude--or an intellectual? I wouldnt dare speak to her, I dont have the brains. The way people speak and write nowadays makes my head hurt. Im just an honest, simple, terrified soldier.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1Hes famous for his long--sword.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1Cyrano de Bergerac, that specter, that paragon,That terror of trifles from Norway to Aragon,Both genius and monster, unique, unexplainable,He has every quirk and every virtue obtainable.His clothes? As outlandish as his personality--Three huge plumes for his hat--To hell with frugality!Bizarrest of all the birds hatched out of Gascony-Is your cause a lost one? Youve only to ask and heWill rush to defend you with wit and audacity,With valor beyond mankinds normal capacity,This dreamer whose vigor, whose kindness, whose verityAre great as his nose--God forgive my temerity!--But truly that nose is the glorious cross he bears,Like some raging sardonic demons emb oss he wears.Ive heard strangers cry, Wait--and well see it taken off!But that mans nasal destiny cannot be shaken off!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1Swine! Did I not forbid you to appear?!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1My nose is Gargantuan! You little Pig-snout, you tiny Monkey-Nostrils, you virtually invisible Pekinese-Puss, dont you realize that a nose like mine is both scepter and orb, a monument to me superiority? A great nose is the banner of a great man, a generous heart, a towering spirit, an expansive soul--such as I unmistakably am, and such as you dare not to dream of being, with your bilious weasels eyes and no nose to keep them apart! With your face as lacking in all distinction--as lacking, I say, in interest, as lacking in pride, in imagination, in honesty, in lyricism--in a word, as lacking in nose as that other offensively bland expanse at the opposite end of your cringing spine--which I now remove from my sight by stringent application of m y boot!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1My wit is more polished than your mustache. The truth which I speak strikes more sparks from mens hearts than your spurs do from the cobblestones.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1Thus I toss my poor hat aside,And shrug off my threadbare cape,The crowds eyes are open wideAnd many a mouth is agape,As I take my sword by the napeAnd draw out its form so fineFrom which there is no escape,For tonight, Valvert--you are mine!Too bad that you chose to derideThis vicious old Bergerac ape(My teeth are as hard as my hide),Yet when you are dead I will drapeYour corpse with the finest of crepe,So that all know your taste was divine,Though you should have avoided a scrapeWith the master--for now, you are mine!I must find now a sharp rhyme for pride--Youre panting, youre red as a grape!Is that ardor or terror inside?What began as a lark, as a jape,Now concludes with a rout, with a rape,With your virginal courage supine,As a puddle on honor s landscape-Turn around, little girl--you are mine!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1Its a shame, sir, to alter a shapeAs refined, as expensive as thine,But, to spare you lifes endless red tape,I will edit you--There you are mine!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1I know. I outnumber them, but I shall go gently with them at first.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1Does it seem strange: a hundred cutthroats against one poor poet? It is not strange. It is a minimal defense, mademoiselle--(Drawing his sword; quietly.)--when that poet is a friend of Cyrano de Bergerac.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 1Youre a genuinely good man. There arent many of you left.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 2His face is like yours, burning with spirit and imagination. He is proud and noble and young and fearless and beautiful--- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 2(Hand on the hilt of his sword.) I shall mortalize the lot of you!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 2I would die at the stake rather than change a semi-colon!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 2Do they? Those large empty machines which twist and turn in every gust of fashion?- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 2Beware: they can gather you easily in their lofty arms and hurl you down to the gutter!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 2It is addressed to the bravest, the brainiest, the blondest, the most beautiful woman on earth! How could she think it was meant for anyone but her?- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 2Youre not totally immune to me, are you? (Roxane smiles cryptically.) Why else would you concoct such a delicious revenge? It must be a gesture of love.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 3Yes, it is perfect. Your white gown swathed in the blue-black mantle of night. I am only a voice, and you are a point of light. I may have spoken Beautifully to you in the past--- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 3Through the whirlwin d which your eyes stir up inside me. But now, in this blessed darkness, I feel I am speaking to you for the first time.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 3And what is a kiss, specifically? A pledge properly sealed, a promise seasoned to taste, a vow stamped with the immediacy of a lip, a rosy circle drawn around the verb to love. A kiss is a message too intimate for the ear, infinity captured in the bees brief visit to a flower, secular communication with an aftertaste of heaven, the pulse rising from the heart to utter its name on a lovers lip: Forever.- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 3Gods whiskers! Your face is hideous as the demons in my storybook!- Edmond Rostand, Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 3There. There is our soul. The same reed, the same fingers which have piped us into combat, call us softly home, in our thoughts. This is no longer the shrill call to attack, it is every shepherd who ever inhabited our land, whispering his sheep to fold. Listen. It is your hills ide, your earth, your forest--your younger brother, suntanned under his red woolen cap. It is the green solitude of nights you spent beside the  Sordogne.  Listen  my countrymen. It is our country calling.- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 4You saved your life. At the expense of your honor.- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 4From the King of Kings--Love- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 4Oh, dont take it so hard. I drove into this madness. Every woman needs a little madness in her life.- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 4Remarkable. Youre as casual about death as if it were the  theatre.- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 4She said, If you were ugly, I would only love you more.- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 4How obvious it is now--the gift you gave him. All those letters, they were you... All those beautiful powerful words, they were you!...  The voice from the shadows, that was you... You always loved me!- Edm ond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 5Ragueneau: Oh, my colleague - we laughed - we laughed-! Cyrano: Well, my greatest victories were won under an assumed name.- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 5Cyrano: I know, you will leave me with nothing--neither the laurel nor the rose. Take it all then! There is one possession I take with me from this place. Tonight when I stand before God--and bow low to him, so that my forehead brushes his footstool, the firmament--I will stand again and proudly show Him that one pure possession--which I have never ceased to cherish or to share with all--- Edmond Rostand,  Cyrano de Bergerac, Act 5

Friday, December 20, 2019

Should Schools Get Rid Of Sols - 884 Words

Should Schools Get Rid of SOLs In 2002 a new bill called the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act introduce a new norm in schools: the SOLs. Within the NCLB Act the SOLs are made to showcase how schools should be performing and if the students are grasping the material being taught. Now, fast forward to 2016 schools still have SOLs, but there have been some problems along these years. There are discussions on if SOLs are too much for children, are the schools too pressed to keep their accreditation they will do anything to keep the schools running, but the most daring question is should schools get rid of SOLs altogether. Due to some of these issues SOLs should not be in schools anymore and something else has to take its place. One of the issues is SOLs putting too much stress on children, the answer is yes. SOLs have increasingly gotten harder every year, and children have the pressure of just passing it or failing it and risk not progressing to the next grade. For example in Florida, th ere were some parents discussing issues with the board about their children used to like school, but due to the testing they don’t want to go to school. One parent broke down in tears about the stress and is thinking about taking their child out of public school to homeschool her/him because of SOLs. Consequently, there have been countless stories of children taking Xanax to cope or even having to go to the emergency room due to stress related incidents. Let’s examine the list of students whoShow MoreRelatedShould Schools Get Rid Of Sols?857 Words   |  4 Pages Should Schools Get Rid OF SOLs In 2002 a new bill called the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act introduce a new norm in schools: the SOLs. Within the NCLB Act the SOLs are made to showcase how schools should be performing and if the students are grasping the material being taught. Now, fast forward to 2016 schools still have SOLs but there has been some problems along these years. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Conditions of Economic Growth and the Asia-Pacific Region free essay sample

A study of the preconditions and policies required for economic growth and why some Asia-Pacific countries have failed to achieve sustainable long-term growth. A study into why certain Asia-Pacific countries such as Cambodia fail to reach long-term economic growth and an explanation of the conditions and policies needed in an economic climate to achieve this growth. The paper covers the following topics: Preconditions for faster economic growth Policies for faster economic growth Asia Pacific LDCs (Least Developed Countries) Cambodia The paper is filled with examples and recent statistics of countries including USA, Australia, Taiwan, Europe, Japan, Cambodia, and Asia-Pacific LDCs in general. According to McTaggart et al, there are several pre-conditions for economic growth. One of which is the existence of an institutional framework that is crucial to the creation of incentives. This institutional framework included markets (supply and demand), property rights, facilities for monetary exchange, as well as simple and transparent regulatory systems (1999: 32. We will write a custom essay sample on Conditions of Economic Growth and the Asia-Pacific Region or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 7). Market prices send signals to buys and sellers that create incentives to increase or decrease the quantities demanded and supplied. Markets also enable people to specialize and trade and to save and invest. Property rights are the social arrangements that govern the ownership, use and disposal of factors of production and goods and services (McTaggart et al, 1999:32.17). They include the rights to physical property, to financial property and to intellectual property. The existence of property rights and their enforcement by the law provide people with certainty in their business dealings and hence they help provide macroeconomic stability and a pre-condition for growth.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Operations Management Operating or Subdevision

Question: Discuss about the Operations Management for Operating or Subdevision. Answer: Introduction Wison Offshore and Marine is a subdivision of the Wison Group that is responsible for operating in the upstream oil and gas sector. The services developed by the company effectively form an entire life cycle related to the delivery of product from designing and engineering facility to managing projects, construction, operations, and commissions (Kelland 2014). By investigating the mentioned services, the company employs its expertise to all the types of oil and gas development works including marine and offshore support vessels, LNG facilities, entire floating production, and mooring and drilling systems. From the particular understanding, it can be stated that Winston Offshore and Marine is vitally contributed from one of the most experienced teams for executing their projects in the oil and gas industry. From the internal investigation to the company, it has been observed that the members of project execution team involve in designing and supplying nearly 100 floating systems while adopting the use of technology to counter the challenges associated with the offshore operations. Such factor significantly facilitates the company to become one of the frontrunners in the private oil and gas sector in China. Therefore, the services of Wison are based on providing engineering, procurement, construction, installation, and commissioning (EPCIC) processes within the market with the capability of building marine based vessels and offshore installations (Kelland 2014). Such services are largely influenced by the vision statement of the company suggesting the delivery of world-class EPIC solution and services to the global oil and gas industry. Apart from that, the excellence of the services is influenced by the relative market driving the company to produce market-driven packages complemented by the project management and modern fabrication facilities (Revie 2015). The particular features support the business to ensure a timely delivery of services other than maintaining the budget and meeting the agreed requirements of the clients. Section A Project Management The vision and mission of the organization are the foundations of the entire operations and activities carried out by Wison. The core business operations of the chosen company are largely controlled and monitored by the application of three independent divisions called Project Office, Finance, and Sales Marketing (Bhattacharjee, Prakash, and Mohanty 2015). Project office is treated as the operational arm of the organization responsible for controlling activities of engineering and construction departments. In order to develop a superior control and monitoring of system, the involvement of other supporting departments can be observed within the business including the human resource, procurement, information technology management, Quality, Health, Safety, and Safety (QHSE), and legal. Based on the positive acknowledgement, the organizational set up of Wison can be elaborated by using the following diagram. Figure 1: Organizational Setup of Wison (Source: Ford, Steen, and Verreynne 2014) Therefore, it can be observed that project management process, as part of the business is an ideal factor influencing service or manufacturing activities. To explore further, Bhattacharjee et al. (2015) have indicated that the types of activities and products associated with the operations of a company should need to be investigated. Concerning the suggestion, the organizational structure and operations of Wison are based on manufacturing marine products, which is perceived as a unique activity due to the nature of the involving industry. However, it is importantly observed due to the investigation that life cycle of the service begins with understanding the diversified queries of the clients before executing the proposed set of activities. In order to gain a precise level of insight regarding the needs and requirements of the clients, the enquiries are embarked on by the sales and marketing team (McLeod 2015). The evaluation of the activities performed by the department is essentially done by the management of the company for ensuring the achievement of criteria potentially recognised by the core business activities and existing resources. Based on the suggestion provided by Reive (2015), it is essential for the oil and gas industry to measure the availability of resources. The particular study further cited the application of yard resource planning as a crucial tool for determining the adequacy of resources within the organization to match the ongoing and impending requirements related to the adopted set of activities. Based on the enquiry process, the chosen activities are carries out by Wison by ensuring the requirements of the clients match the organizational capabilities. The service designing process performed by Wison broadly matches with the comprehension regarding process selection indicated by Wawuda and Mungai (2016). With reference of the indication provided by the study, it is observed that the service designing process of Wison is fundamentally influenced by review undertaken by the management for ensuring the appointed works are suitably fitting with the vision and mission of firm. The particular observation has further revealed that the project management team resourcefully source or systematize it forthcoming projects while evaluating the existing services that are appropriate to the capabilities of the organization (Wawuda and Mungai 2016). The identified feature successfully allows the execution of its resource planning and ensures the process maintains under the superior capacity. Additionally, the queries not meeting the established criteria of Winston are rejected by the project management team for minimising the risks. Figure 2: Process Selection and Capacity Planning influencing Designing of System (Source: Wawuda and Mungai 2016) Based on the identified set up, it is be clarified that a hybrid project build is deployed by Wison comprising of the batch production, job shop manufacturing, and repetition of certain processes. With reference to the particular situation, McLeod (2015) argues that processes do not usually present in their pure form, which causes the unusual involvement of the setup to be hybrid. Since the uniqueness of the entire project, conducting reviews during the definition stage of the project lifecycle and engineering phase is highly decisive prior to the formation of project proposal (Dholakia et al. 2015). As reflected by Kelland (2014), it can be uttered that proposal for each project undertaken by the organization will fundamentally include but not limited to the principal scheduling, engineering, cost, and contract. Considering the overall discussion, one of the viable statements revealed by Shuen, Felier, and Teece (2014) is worth to mention that claims, As systems approach, it integra tes resources and enables simultaneous emphasis on the whole project goal time, cost, and performance requirements. Built to Order It is formerly discussed that the products and services of marine and offshore industry are unique from the perspective of their nature. The marine vessels and offshore installations are built in compliance with the quality of order requirements associated with the organization (Naiyeju, Ogedengbe, and Aderoba 2013). Often these requirements are interchangeably centred on the particular kind of jobs, cargos, operations, and service deliveries related to the company. Based on the suggestion provided by Dholakia et al. (2015), every client has their specific set of requirements suitably complies with the business needs. As a project management company, Wison understands the liveliness of such understanding as a project management company for assisting the clients to achieve the preferable deliverables from the identified services. According to Saad et al. (2014), one of the most essential practices for designing the services related to the offshore platform is based on identifying the specific volume of works to be executed and deciding upon the facilities to be maintained and commissioned. With reference to the particular study conducted by Saad et al. (2014) the activities and facilities of offshore oil and gas industry and designed by depending critically on the size and content of reservoir, availability of technology, and location of the intended facility. The implications of the identified factors are the eventual means of identifying the quantum of work. From the certain perception, it can be signified that more outsized the reservoir requires larger facilities. The application of the work also suggests that content of reservoir plays a vital role in deciding the overall design of the services and associated facilities. For example, dirtier oil as part of the content of the reservoir would require the c ompany to arrange an increasing number of equipment for cleaning and making it ready for sale or export (Shuen, Feiler, and Teece 2014). Shuen, Feiler, and Teece (2014) have noticed one of the valuable characteristics associated with the certain industry claiming that the competitive advantage of the business depends on the useful availability of product customisation. Moreover, the study has reflected that the customised or modified products are often built by considering the requirements of the clients and confirmation of order. On the other hand, similar product units are produced and delivered based on the ordered quantity at a certain time for to achieve the economies of scale and reduce the cost associated with designing and manufacturing phase (Saad, Mohamed Udin, and Hasnan 2014). However, the likelihood of such occurrence is practically very low from the context of the chosen industry. Camuzeaux et al. (2015) products that are commissioned by the clients are required meeting the deadlines, as it is assumed that the particular products are an essential part of the larger facility fundamentally. In this case, i t the certain fact is elaborated by the study with considering the manufacturing and designing cost of products and services of the industry as the capital expenditure for most of the organizations. From the application of the study, it is determined that a unique characteristic of a product or service is a practical measure to determine the utilisation of project process design. Involvement of Various Talents to Achieve One Goal One of the practical reflections provided by Munir Ahmad et al. (2014) indicating the application of awards will deeply create a motivated and committed employee base from all the departments of a firm to achieve a common goal. From the example of Wison, the involvement of awards offered to the employees enabled the company to form a skilled and committed team where each department is essentially monitored and supervised by the functional managers. The primary role of these functional managers is providing support to the team members to the respective project teams for ensuring the quality of service delivery (Ford, Steen, and Verreynne 2014). In order to maintain such process and ensure the delivery favourable outcomes from the project team, the required authority and control is offered to the designated project managers for empowering them to achieve successful delivery. Citing the finding of the investigation undertaken by Wawuda and Mungai (2016), the complications of the project governs the size and experience of a project team. The study further details that the role of project managers is one of the most important features of complete project management activities practiced in an oil and gas company. Explicitly, project managers are responsible for planning, directing, and integrating all the efforts to the key stakeholders associated with the project for ensuring the attainment of the identified goals. However, it is worth to mention that the empowerment and responsibilities of project managers fundamentally vary depending on the situation experiencing by the business in the oil and gas segment (Camuzeaux et al. 2015). Reive (2015) find out that the involvement of various disciplined personnel supports the formation of a project team regardless of their sourcing internally or externally. Hence, it can be stated that the participation of these talents in the organisational teams of Wison decidedly influences the success of the entire manufacturing or service process design. Project Control Variation Control According to McLeod (2015) planning, documentation, and management of all the contractual deliveries associated with the project or service are conducted by the project control mechanism. The study further highlights that a higher variation can be maintained throughout the project resulting in the accumulation of exceeding profit if the procedures are managed efficiently. The diverse requirements of the oil and gas industry are encouraging nature of the projects to be radically altered over the time to cause inevitable changes or alterations. Such changes are responsible for shedding numerous effects on the outcome of the service from multiple perspectives like schedules, time, quality, and efforts (Munir Ahmad and Elhuni 2014). Therefore, these vital areas must need to be controlled adequately by the project control mechanism for satisfying the requirements related to the multiple key areas from trade-offs to manufacturing. Due to the application of the identified scenario, often th e project-based outcomes demonstrate a widespread degree of variations from all levels of the process. Consequently, the particular picture drives project control system as another valuable factor supporting the maintenance of competence in the course of undertaking a suitable manufacturing design and delivering effective services to the end-users. Risk Management Due to the market instabilities of the oil and gas sector, different projects and solution services encounter a substantial amount of time in the course of time encouraging the company to opt for trading off the project rather than low-risk manufacturing process to gain higher profit margin (Tordo et al. 2013). Naiyeju et al. (2013) state that risk is inherent in every project management process enabling the necessary involvement of risk identification, tracking, mitigation, and response planning for the corporations operating in the oil and gas industry. Due to the dynamic requirements of the clients and industry and vibrant nature of the projects, risks create a considerable amount of issues in the effective project management of the company (Berk and Rauch 2016). Based on the scenario of Winson, risks are handled by the project team during and after the completion of each project. The managers of the team provide superior importance to the learning of lessons from the failures of previous projects accomplished by the company for achieving the responses of future projects (Moura et al. 2014). Section B Concerning the work of Tordo et al. (2013), the field of operations objectives is broad influencing the five broad categories of stakeholders in any organization. Considering the projects or services of Wison, customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees, and the respective market are the five primary categories of stakeholders on which the performance of the overall project delivery depends. Quality Citing the work of Berk and Rauch (2016), quality is known as the foremost measure of the performance objectives because of its importance in the project delivery process. Quality can be described largely as the effective mean of conformance as defined by multiple studies (do Canto Cavalheiro et al. 2014). Quality helps to maintain the expected value in the product or service offered by the company. The team performance of Wison is largely influenced by the fundamental application of quality, as the factor forces the team members to focus on the changing needs and demands of the consumers continuously for maintaining the relevancy and sustainability of the business. Speed Based on reference obtained from Berk and Rauch (2016), speed refers to as the promptness of response between the internal or external customer requesting a product or service and the organization addressing such requirement. Like quality, the involvement of internal and external factors is also present in this particular objective. Externally, speed is important for generating a quick response to the clients demands and internally, speed is responsible for cost reduction (Yusuf et al. 2014). The project team of Wison stresses more on the internal aspect of speed, as the particular priority helps the company to reduce their inventories while countering the associated risks carefully. The company decides to leverage more on the internal benefits of speed to enable a faster throughput of information to the customers as one of the effective means for reducing the entire cost while satisfying the requirements of the external aspects. Dependability As dictated by the study produced by Moura et al. (2014), dependability deals with the timely delivery of products or services to the customers where the particular objective may sound simple but difficult to measure. Externally, dependability is positively regarded by the customers as a good factor, and internally, dependability helps the firm to cut costs by saving time and money while providing stability to the organization (Onwe 2014). The project management team of Wison works hard to establish a reliable system within the organization for increasing the overall performance. Flexibility According to do Canto Cavalheiro et al. (2014), flexibility is the most complex performance objective, as it incorporates several different things to allow the organization change the entire operation by adopting the current market trends. Externally, multiple types of flexibility allow the companies to produce fitting products and services according to the customer needs, and internally, it is directly associated with the performance of the organization (Burnett and Williams 2014). Based on the certain understanding, the project management group of the company decides to speed up the response time and flexibility of the services for enhancing the dependency. Cost Cost is the final objectives associated with highlighting the performance of an organization. Yusuf et al. (2014) have dictated that variations in cost structure of the companies can be greatly observed over the time while the other four performance objectives are hugely devoted to decreasing cost of operations. Over the last two decades, the particular perception represents one of the valuable revelations in the area of operations management (Chowdhury 2016). The processes as part of a certain project of Wison are undertaken based on the complicated decision-making, which is driven by the useful factors, such as maintaining high quality, promptness, elevated dependability, and excellent level of flexibility. Conclusion From the overall efforts put forwarded within the paper, the extracted information suggests that operations cover most of the functions of a project-based organization like Wison. The particular organization can be referred to as a project management firm, where the nature of projects is versatile in relation to the availability of resources. The vision and mission of the organization greatly contribute towards the process and involving activities allowing the efficient delivery of projects. From the analysis of the factors affecting the manufacturing or service process design or the assessment of performance objectives influencing the decision-making related to the delivery of services, it is observed that the skills of personnel, versatility of the facilities, and up to date systems are all in place for Wison. 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Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Gateway

Brett A. Goldschmidt Dr. Albrecht Internet exercise â€Å"Gateway† Gateway’s website is very simplistic, but at the same time it is very blunt, and to the point. When we first enter the Gateway site, pop-up advertisements come up which I was not to impressed by, but further examining the main page of the website, the â€Å"support, at home, and office† tabs were a definite way of segmenting their clients or visitors of the website. I was very impressed to see that the â€Å"At Home† tab consisted of a lot of different options for models of computers. The computers ranged in price from $699 to $2,000 and over. The website really caters to the consumer because you can customize your computer and get everything you need and nothing you don’t. The accessories that gateway offered is a selection second to none; and I also was impressed of all the digital technology that was offered by Gateway. The website was simple and easy to use which is a plus in my books. I give gateway a thumbs up and congratulate them on a segmen ting job done well.... Free Essays on Gateway Free Essays on Gateway Gateway’s website is very simplistic, but at the same time it is very blunt, and to the point. When we first enter the Gateway site, pop-up advertisements come up which I was not to impressed by, but further examining the main page of the website, the â€Å"support, at home, and office† tabs were a definite way of segmenting their clients or visitors of the website. I was very impressed to see that the â€Å"At Home† tab consisted of a lot of different options for models of computers. The computers ranged in price from $699 to $2,000 and over. The website really caters to the consumer because you can customize your computer and get everything you need and nothing you don’t. The accessories that gateway offered is a selection second to none; and I also was impressed of all the digital technology that was offered by Gateway. The website was simple and easy to use which is a plus in my books. I give gateway a thumbs up and congratulate them on a segmen ting job done well.... Free Essays on Gateway Brett A. Goldschmidt Dr. Albrecht Internet exercise â€Å"Gateway† Gateway’s website is very simplistic, but at the same time it is very blunt, and to the point. When we first enter the Gateway site, pop-up advertisements come up which I was not to impressed by, but further examining the main page of the website, the â€Å"support, at home, and office† tabs were a definite way of segmenting their clients or visitors of the website. I was very impressed to see that the â€Å"At Home† tab consisted of a lot of different options for models of computers. The computers ranged in price from $699 to $2,000 and over. The website really caters to the consumer because you can customize your computer and get everything you need and nothing you don’t. The accessories that gateway offered is a selection second to none; and I also was impressed of all the digital technology that was offered by Gateway. The website was simple and easy to use which is a plus in my books. I give gateway a thumbs up and congratulate them on a segmen ting job done well....

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Australian Trade in India and China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Australian Trade in India and China - Essay Example The rapidly expanding Chinese economy has steadily resulted in solid infrastructural development. This in turn has allowed for the increased prosperity of many within mainland China. With rising personal disposable incomes, comes increased consumption demand and thus growing domestic expenditure. Chinese imports are gradually increasing, thus presenting a myriad of opportunities for suppliers of raw materials and products in various stages of production. Political relations between China and Australia have significantly improved in recent years. An example of the bilateral co-operation includes the Sino-Australian parliamentary exchange conference held in May 2007. The Chinese economy - a renowned net exporter - boasted a current account surplus of $359 billion in 2007 and a net figure of Foreign Direct Investment of $83 billion. All in all, the Chinese foreign reserves stand at $1.5 trillion for the year ending 2007. (Sino-Australian parliamentary exchange conference. Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Australia) This bodes exceptionally well for investment opportunity. With such rapid development and a large and economically powerful buying market, the Chinese sector presents immense profitable opportunity potential to Australian investors. The Chinese housing market; share markets and general government reluctance to allow inflationary pressures to impact on the economy have resulted in an investor safe-haven in the Chinese domestic market. Few economies can lay claim to such robust growth rates as the Chinese economy. With rising prices, spurned by the inflationary pressures of petroleum supplies; food prices and general dollar w eakness, the Chinese government is intent on protecting the domestic economy from global pressures. Investments in Chinese infrastructure allow for significant benefits to International Donor Financiers. The following statistical data was compiled by the World Bank regarding China 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 A. Real Expenditure Growth 1. GDP at market prices 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.7 9.6 2. Private consumption 6.6 7.0 7.0 9.0 8.5 3. Government consumption 6.4 7.2 9.0 8.8 8.0 4. Fixed investment 17.0 11.6 8.8 8.9 8.2 5. Exports, GNFS 26.8 28.4 24.3 23.6 19.1 6. Imports, GNFS 24.8 22.5 12.0 19.5 18.8 B. Contribution to GDP Growth 1. Private consumption 2.9 3.0 2.9 3.6 3.4 2. Government consumption 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.3 1.2 3. Fixed investment 6.1 4.4 3.4 3.4 3.1 4. Net exports 1.3 2.8 5.3 3.8 2.5 C. Price Deflators 1. GDP at market prices 2.6 6.9 2.1 3.1 5.6 2. Private consumption 1.4 4.9 2.9 4.5 6.8 3. Exports, GNFS 4.7 5.3 1.7 3.7 0.9 4. Imports, GNFS 9.7 10.3 4.9 7.2 0.4 D. Share of GDP 1. Private consumption 41.8 39.9 39.1 39.0 39.0 2. Government consumption 15.2 14.5 14.6 14.7 14.6 3. Fixed investment 39.4 40.7 41.3 41.6 41.4 4. Change in stocks 1.8 2.5 0.0 -1.1 -1.2 5. Total investment 41.2 43.3 41.2 40.5 40.1 6. Exports, GNFS 29.6 34.0 38.1 42.8 44.4 7. Imports, GNFS 27.4 31.4 32.8 36.8 38.0 E. Memo 1. Nominal GDP (USD billions) 1640.4 1930.9 2171.7 2477.4 2867.6 2. Population (millions) 1300.0 1308.0 1315.8 1324.1 1332.4 3. GDP per capita, current USD 1261.8 1476.2 1650.4 1871.0 2152.2 4. Real per capita GDP growth 9.3 9.4 9.5 10.0 8.9 5. USD Fx rate 8.3 8.3 8.2 8.0 7.6 6. Current account balance (% GDP) 2.8 3.6 7.4 9.3 9.2 7. General government bal. (% GDP) -2.5 -1.5 -1.7 -0.5 -0.8 India presents with multiple challenges notably generally